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How it's Made

Legendary Coffee

World’s Finest Coffee

Spilling the Beans

Our coffee is a light roast with full-bodied flavor and a light smooth aroma, made from a blend of coffees from around the world. We have won multiple Golden Cup awards for maintaining high standards in quality for brewing and serving coffee, and we serve over two tons of coffee per year.

We have four steps to an extra smooth cup of coffee:

  • Fresh Ground Beans – Grinding the beans just prior to the brewing process ensures maximum flavor
  • Purified Water – By running the water through a purifier before brewing, we remove the chlorine and prevent acidity from reaching your brew
  • High Temperature – A high brewing temperature prevents bitterness and makes the coffee extra smooth
  • High-end Equipment – Including a glass-lined urn keeps the taste pure, while again avoiding bitterness that can come from the metal that most commercial coffee is made in
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